
For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “ISI”, “we,” “us” or “our” means the ISI and its seven Associations:

  • Bernoulli Society (BS)
  • International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)
  • International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)
  • International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS)
  • International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
  • International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS)
  • The Envionmetrics Society (TIES)

The ISI’s mission is to lead, support and promote the understanding, development and good practice of statistics worldwide, by providing the core global network for statistics. This is reflected in our slogan ‘Statistical Science for a Better World’. The ISI has over 4,000 individual members and more than 140 statistical agencies, central banks, universities, societies and research institutes as organisational members. We support statisticians and statistical organisations worldwide, organise congresses, conferences and workshops, and issue extensive publications, including a variety of journals. We also manage a range of Awards and Prizes and provide funding schemes.

At ISI we understand the importance of maintaining the privacy of our members and other who entrust us with their personal data. Securing your privacy is a core value of the ISI as is reflected in the ISI Community Principles. Our servers, computers and contractors employ security procedures to protect all our/your information from unauthorized access. All ISI processing activities are documented and kept in an up-to-date register, providing the full details of the records kept, the purpose of the processing, the access to data and the retention periods.

This Privacy Policy outlines the policies and procedures concerning information gathering and dissemination practices for the ISI membership and other data collected by ISI and through the website The ISI fully adheres to the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Membership data

The ISI collects information from ISI and/or Associations’ members (individual and organisational) in order to keep an efficient and up to date membership administration and inform the members about the ISI’s activities, meetings and events. Individual data are processed by the designated staff in the ISI Permanent Office (PO) and by designated ISI and/or Association officials.

The ISI does not ask for more personal information and details than absolutely necessary for the processing of the membership.

Whenever it is necessary for contractors working for the ISI to access data, such as for work on the ISI’s website and associated IT infrastructure, the agreement with the contractor will contain the necessary provisions to protect privacy and non-disclosure.

Address information from individual membership data is only shared with publishers as necessary for providing subscriptions to journals or similar services.

The members are requested to give their explicit consent to processing of their data and the publication of their name, country of residence and affiliation, when applying for membership, or in the webshop.

Other personal details of members, such as postal addresses, email addresses, and telephone/fax numbers, are stored in the ISI membership database and webshop (protected by login and password). This type of information will not be displayed in the public domain. If contact information of a member needs to be shared publicly for ISI operations, it shall be shared via email aliases or encrypted files. Any other dissemination of such information requires the consent of the individual member.

More detailed information about the ISI and Associations membership data policy can be found in the attached document (ISI Data protection policy for ISI and Association members), including an overview of your rights and how to execute them.

ISI and/or Association mailings

Mass mailings are sent without disclosing individual email addresses. Members may opt out of receiving the ISI news items/newsletters.

Membership data (name, postal address, country of residence, email address) may be shared with other partner statistical organisations in collaborative activities that pursue the mission and objectives of the ISI and which benefit ISI members. Appropriate agreements are in place in order to safeguard privacy protection.

Other data

Surveys and polls are sometimes used to collect opinions and views of members. The data obtained from such surveys are anonymised before they are processed and analysed, and are used only for each survey’s specified goals. Responses to operations conducted for voting procedures are processed in the ISI PO and results are reported only in aggregated and non-identifiable form. Individual data collected by these means are not disclosed by the ISI.

Individual data collected in application procedures, including membership applications, funding requests, award and prize applications, are processed by the ISI PO and shared with the responsible officers as necessary to consider or process applications (i.e. chairs and members of the relevant committees). All recipients, like committee members, are required to agree to appropriate confidentiality clauses and sign a privacy agreement.

A contact form is available for visitors to the ISI website to request information and services. We use the visitors’ contact information (e.g. name and email address) only for answering their requests/questions, responding to enquiries or sending materials. The information from these contact forms is not disclosed to third parties unless the visitor has given his/her consent to do so.

Cookies are collected in order to ensure proper functioning of the ISI website and for further improvement of the functionality. Cookies from and its subsites are safe. They are not used for collecting personal information. Most cookies disappear when you close your browser, but some remain for a few days or longer. If you wish, you can always remove or disable the use of cookies in your browser. Information about adjustments in the settings for cookies can be found in the help function of most browsers. However, if you disallow cookies, you may disable access to advanced functionality on our website.


The ISI website and Webshop are only available through encrypted SSL connections (https), and we have security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information. In case of a credible threat of a security breach, the ISI will inform the members affected and will take the necessary measures to prevent misuse of the data. The contract with the website and webshop hosting company contains the necessary provisions and procedures in order to be GDPR compliant. The ISI Protocol for Security Incidents and Data Leaks is applied.

Several of the Associations’ websites are not hosted by the ISI website hosting company. For these websites, different security regimes might be in place.

If any knowledge or suspicion about a breach of the ISI’s security arises, please contact the ISI Permanent Office.

The ISI Permanent Office (PO) is located in the premises of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and works in CBS’s IT environment, which complies with the highest standards of data protection. Check out more information about CBS’s IT infrastructure and Privacy Protection.

The ISI PO staff are actively informed about this Privacy Policy and the safety measures. The staff work on remote PCs, and only with password protected access. Passwords need to be renewed every 3 months.

If you wish to learn more about the ISI security measures, please contact the PO.

Links to other websites

The ISI website contains links to other websites. The ISI is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other websites. We recommend that you read the privacy statements of each website that requests any personal information.

Right to change the privacy statement

This policy may be revised over time as new features are added to the website, new technologies emerge, or changes in legislation require the ISI to do so.

Conchita Kleijweg
ISI Director