64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

On statistical learning through the lens of machine learning


Dr Guanqun Cao


  • GC
    Dr Guanqun Cao

  • IS
    Dr Ignacio Segovia-Dominguez
  • Time zigzags at graph convolutional networks for time series forecasting

  • YX
    Dr Yao Xie
  • Neural network based hypothesis tests

  • JZ
    Jiwei Zhao
  • Optimal estimation with flexible learning methods under endogenous treatment assignment

  • CZ
    Prof. Chunming Zhang
  • Robust estimation in regression and classification methods for large dimensional data

  • JK
    Jungeun Kim
  • Robust sensible adversarial learning of deep neural networks for image classification

  • Category: Women in Statistics


    In this session, five speakers will showcase novel findings and cutting-edge achievements in statistical data analysis under the framework of machine learning. Specifically, they will discuss the robust estimation in regression and classification methods for large dimensional data, optimal estimation under endogenous treatment assignment, robust sensible adversarial learning of deep neural networks for image classification. Last but not least, time zigzags at graph convolutional networks for time series forecasting and invertible neural networks for graph prediction will also be presented.